Well, there it was the Kings Park Street Party to celebrate the Queen’s Diamond Jubilee. The forecast suggested Saturday was to be the best day of the weekend – so the weather looked set fair. We awoke to bright skies, few clouds and warm sun – Yipee!
By 10:30 am all cars were moved and residents were out decorating their houses and the street.

Kings Park Street Party 2012
By 1:30 the table was taking shape, music was set and food was being readied…

By 3pm residents started arriving and by 3:30 the steet looked set for a Right Royal Celebration.

Kings Park Residents Celebrating
Games were played, food was eaten, drinks were drunk and plenty of chatting and introductions were taking place. Everyone seemed to be enjoying themselves and the event was a roaring success.
Only the weather was putting a damper on proceedings, although it did stay dry. By 6:30 most residents had retreated to warmer locations, but all were happy as they left and one promise was made – We should do this more often…
So as far as Kings Park Street party is concerned the party is over, but the weekend has only just begun and the decorations are still up – so we will now join the rest of Dereham to celebrate the Queen’s Diamond Jubilee – God Save the Queen!
Addendum: We even made the BBC Local news.